Be part of our new Customer Committee

We are looking to recruit our first tenant board member

The Wrekin Housing Group is looking to recruit its first tenant board member.

We have launched a recruitment campaign to find a number of people to join its newly created Customer Committee.

As well as committee members, we are also recruiting a Committee Chair, who will also be a Non-Executive Director and member of the Group Board.

Wrekin’s new Customer Committee will have a majority of tenants and play an integral part in ensuring customers voices are heard at the most senior level. Customer Committee members will be required to attend 6 meetings a year – with the Chair also attending an additional four meetings as a Board Member.

We welcome applications from those who not only live in the social housing sector, but also have a strong focus on customer services and communication skills.

Successful candidates will receive £3,000 per annum – with the Committee Chair receiving £7,750

Download the job pack here

Find out more about customer involvement here at Wrekin

Find out more about Wrekin here

The Wrekin Housing Group’s Chair, Desmond Hudson, said:

“Fundamental to our continuing success is ensuring Wrekin places customers at the heart of everything we do. It has also never been more important to make sure we listen to our customers and ensure they have a say shaping the services we deliver.

“It is an interesting and challenging time to work in the housing sector. We are currently operating in continued economic and global uncertainty, with housing and policy related challenges to overcome both locally and nationally.

“The tenants who will join this committee and our Board will be pivotal in helping to us make a difference to people’s lives, by applying their skills and knowledge at our Board and Committee Meetings.

"This is an exciting opportunity to help shape Wrekin’s future.”

You can find out more information about the role here:

15th December 2022